Thursday, 26 February 2015

Morgan's birthday in this beautiful city in Texas

What an amazing day spent with some amazing friends! All these girls are absolutely beautiful and kind hearted in every single way possible and im so lucky to have them all in my life. They make me smile everytime I'm with them. Blessed with such awesome friends!
Walking the streets of the little town
The beautiful dream catchers
Cool girls by cool art
Morgan getting her hair done by her Mum 
She is so incredibly beautiful
Making my way down town
Oh so texas 
The beautiful bead display
The gorgeous ellie oh so beautiful
Couldn't resist another one she's too pretty
The girls squad on point 
These three chickas
Laurel and Grace beauty's 
A bevy of beauty's 
Two beautiful lil ones
I scream for ice cream! (The woman in the back wanted to add a smile) ☺️
Kid at heart forever oh laurel
Piggy back rides 
Madi was totally ready for the picture
Silly faces with the birthday girl
Ellie was ready I was not who knows about grace 😂
The beautiful grace and I 
American and british kisses
Grace decided to shout at some strangers which I clearly thought was hilarious 
Piggyback rides x4
Smile Grace: wait lemme praise the lord
Grace fell off Madi oh dear oh dear
If anyone knows how you can be this beautiful please tell me
We are pretty super cute 
Ellie and mads happy shopping 
Because here's the original and we're too cute to not have two ❤️

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

'Be bright, Be happy, Be you'

Stress, anxiety and staying positive!
Now you probably don't think stress and positivity can be put in the same sentence but they can now! Stress is something we all feel, ALOT! But more often than not none of us know how to deal with stress or worrying over things and having anxiety. I just thought I would share a few tips I've learnt on what to do for me when I'm im no therapist but I do know that these DEFINETlY work for me and if they work for you too then awesome! 
1) What if? When im worrying about things I always ask myself "what if?" Whatever im worrying about I ask myself "what if?" Then I answer and if im still anxious...ask "what if?" It's sort of going down the "what's the worst thing that could happen?" Route
2) I remind myself it's an emotional state im in and nobody ever has been stuck in the exact same emotional state FOREVER! I remind myself im not going to feel like this in a few hours, or the next day. 
3) I do simple things like relax in a warm bubble bath and read a book. Never underestimate how valuable time to yourself can be. Indulge in some "me time"
4) Music. Simply just listening to some of your favourite jams can lift your mood and release stress. Music is a great mood booster! It doesn't necessarily have to be a song about feeling great just one you'll enjoy! One of my favourites right now is Onnentanz by Will Heard and Chocolate by The 1975
5) Yoga, just simply to relax the muscles in your body and to release negative energy. Recommendation website:
6) having a positive quotes folder or Pinterest boards. Just simply finding uplifting quotes and looking at them each day can really change your day. You can find them from your favourite books or movies, or just make your own! (Tip 101: when you're making up positive quotes make sure you feel positive.) here are two of my absolute favourite quotes that I just tell myself everyday and they really do make a change to my day... 
'Be bright, Be happy, Be you' 
'You're stronger than you think'
7) Live in the moment. Don't fret too much about things that are happening in the future. Take each day as it comes. 
                        Mads xox