Thursday, 11 September 2014

And so it's begun...

Well you could say it's been emotional but on the other hand you could also say it's been life changing...the move from the amazing uk to Austin Texas has been quite an experience, one i wouldn't have ever dreamed of happening if I'm being honest. This experience has taught me a lot of different life lessons I will list a few at the very end of the post...back then in December I would have never dreamed of this happening EVER! Then when I was told it was a shock but I sort of had the initial reaction of "oh I have loads of time left before I go" well anyway that's what it felt like...but it appears that was not the case! The time absolutely flew by, as if it was taken right out of my hands...I had known all along moving was going to be hard and had never wanted to think about it that often. As the time came around I remember thinking everyday "whoa now I'm one step closer, on step close to taking a leap across the ocean" I knew it was a huge leap for all of us but my thoughts were that it wasn't going to be that hard...I guess sometimes our thoughts are clearly wrong! I was absolutely fine, even on the plane I didn't cry or anything and I was fine until it started kicking in, the feeling of...oh no I can't bare to even say it...homesickness. This is probably one of my most hated emotions, as soon as school came around I felt lost completely and utterly lost! I felt as though I didn't belong, I felt I didn't belong in this almost different world, it's crazy how we all speak the same language yet we each of us is so different! So anyway I started out where I knew I was going to end up having a family and I didn't know that until now but I started in theatre, the starlight theatre company...I have to say they are all incredibly AMAZING! As soon as I walked through the doors I felt a sense of relief and I felt welcome and like I belonged. I instantly met someone called Jake Anderson who is awesome and a life long friend for sure *picture inserted now* 
So janderson is the boy obviously πŸ˜‚ but he was like someone sent for me who introduced me to grace who is the most loveliest funniest sweetest craziest girl who is also definetly a life long friend *picture inserted here* 
Then I met Lily who actually introduced herself to lily well where do I start, lily is basically an angel, flawless in my eyes, an amazing role model, absolutely beautiful, kind, loving, caring, and any other positive words...lily has become like an older sister to me...almost like a protector πŸ’• *picture inserted here*
Lily is on the left...then I also met this beautiful girl called Chloe who so funny and can already tell my gal pal, she is always there for me and I can always count on her for comfort, for a good time and just genuinely a laugh! *picture inserted here* 
Me and Chloe ^ 
Then I also met an amazing and wonderful and beautiful girl called Bronwyn who is an amazing girl and is such a lovely person to be around! Life long friends with all of the above and ones to follow...I then met these people but unfortunely don't have any pictures with them...but I met 
Zoe- absolutely beautiful and vintage and her style is just πŸ‘Œ and she is so lovely! 
JD - well what do I say, I suppose he's awesome, he is so sweet and very funny!
And all the crave gals and many othersπŸ’•πŸ’• I love them all and I'm so thankful for them! πŸ’—πŸ’— it just shows gods timing is perfect πŸ™Œ 
This is Riley and Brianna the first gals I met πŸ‘ŒπŸ’• 

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