Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Thoughtful Tuesday | How to be pretty

Happy girls are the prettiest
It's a true fact

When you think of the 7 billion people on the planet and all their blemishes or wrinkles or squashy bits or cellulite, you quickly realise you're fine. Your body is just one in 7 billion. You aren't unpleasant or ugly and you don't stand out in any negative fashion, you're just one of the crowd. I find that so comforting. 

I've been self concious with my appearance but lately I have felt a great sense of calm over the matter. I look at my face and see all the things I didn't love before (blemishes, redness, uneven complexion) and just think, 'Hello little bits of me'. As I feel calmer, I feel happier. As I feel happier, I think I look better. As I look better, I feel more confident. See what's happening? A very positive cycle of loveliness. (Even if it is slightly superficial). 

For this week's homework I would urge you to look in the mirror or at a photo of yourself. Take note of all your bibbits and bobbits and have a good think. Are they really an issue or are they just little bits of yourself that do no harm and are what make you unique? 

When I think about all the most beautiful people in my life (My Mama in Heaven, my little girl, my friend Marie), I don't even for a nanosecond think about frizzy hair or blemished skin or wobbly thighs, their beauty just shines out and captivates me. Let yours do the same. 



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